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COMPLtTIS AND UNABRIDGEDEdited. introctuccd ami atıııotaled by Cedric Watis. Research Professor of Engiish. Uııivcrsily af SııssexShakcspcarc's Macbcllı is one of thc grcjtcst tragic dramas the world has knovvn. Macbeth himself, a brave vvarrior. is fatally impeilcd by sııpernatural forccs. by his proLid vvife, and by his ovvn burgeoning ambition. As he embarks on his murdcrous course to gain and rctain the crovvn of Scotland, \vc sec the appalling cmoiional and psychological cffccts on bolh Lady Macbeth and himself, Thc crucl ironies of thcir dcstiny arc conveyed in poetry of unsurpassed povvcr. İn thc theatre. thİs tragedy rcmains perennially engrossing.This volume İs part of thc nevv VVordsvvorlh Ciassics' Shakespeare Series. in vvhich each tex[ has becn freshly edited by Professor Cedric Watts.
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    • COMPLtTIS AND UNABRIDGEDEdited. introctuccd ami atıııotaled by Cedric Watis. Research Professor of Engiish. Uııivcrsily af SııssexShakcspcarc's Macbcllı is one of thc grcjtcst tragic dramas the world has knovvn. Macbeth himself, a brave vvarrior. is fatally impeilcd by sııpernatural forccs. by his proLid vvife, and by his ovvn burgeoning ambition. As he embarks on his murdcrous course to gain and rctain the crovvn of Scotland, \vc sec the appalling cmoiional and psychological cffccts on bolh Lady Macbeth and himself, Thc crucl ironies of thcir dcstiny arc conveyed in poetry of unsurpassed povvcr. İn thc theatre. thİs tragedy rcmains perennially engrossing.This volume İs part of thc nevv VVordsvvorlh Ciassics' Shakespeare Series. in vvhich each tex[ has becn freshly edited by Professor Cedric Watts.
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