Mrs. Dalloway
With an Introdııction and Notcs by Meny M Paıvlaıvskİ, Pıvfessor and Chair, Department of EngUsh, CaÜfarnia State ilrıtvcrsily, BnbersficldVirginia VVoolf's singular technique in Mrs DaUoıvay hcralds a brcak \vith thc traditional novcI form and reflccts a gcnuinc humanity and a conccrn with the expei'icnecs that both cnrich and stultify cxistencc, Socicty hostess, Clarissa Dallo\vay is giving a party. Her thoughts and scnsations on that one day, and the interioi' monologucs of others vvhosc lives arc interwoven vvith hers gradually reveal the characters of the centrai protagonists. Clarissa's life İs touched by tragedy as thc cvcnts in lıcr day run parallcl to tho^c of Scptimus VVarrcn Smith, vvhosc madncss cscalatcs as his life dravvs to\vai'd inevitable suicide.The delicate artistry and ivrical prose of VVoolf's fourth novel have established her as a writer of profound talcnt
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- With an Introdııction and Notcs by Meny M Paıvlaıvskİ, Pıvfessor and Chair, Department of EngUsh, CaÜfarnia State ilrıtvcrsily, BnbersficldVirginia VVoolf's singular technique in Mrs DaUoıvay hcralds a brcak \vith thc traditional novcI form and reflccts a gcnuinc humanity and a conccrn with the expei'icnecs that both cnrich and stultify cxistencc, Socicty hostess, Clarissa Dallo\vay is giving a party. Her thoughts and scnsations on that one day, and the interioi' monologucs of others vvhosc lives arc interwoven vvith hers gradually reveal the characters of the centrai protagonists. Clarissa's life İs touched by tragedy as thc cvcnts in lıcr day run parallcl to tho^c of Scptimus VVarrcn Smith, vvhosc madncss cscalatcs as his life dravvs to\vai'd inevitable suicide.The delicate artistry and ivrical prose of VVoolf's fourth novel have established her as a writer of profound talcntStok Kodu:9781853261916Boyut:13x1Baskı:1Basım Tarihi:2003-01Kağıt Türü:2.Hamur
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