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WILLIAM SHAKESPEARECOMPLETE AND UNABRIDGEDEdited. irıtroduced and annataied by Cedric U'nffs, Rcsctırch Pro}essor of Englîsh, Utıiversity of 5usscxThe Wordsworth Classics* Shakespeare Series, \vith Henry V and The Merchant of Venlce as İts î na uğura l volumes, presents a newly-edited sequence of VVilliam Shakespeare's works. The textual editing takes account of recent scholarship while giving the m*terial a careful reappraisal.Othello has long bccn rccogniscd as onc of thc most powcrfu! of Shakespeare's tragcdies. This is an intensc drama of [öve, deception, jealousy and destruction. Desdemona's [öve for Othello, the Moor, transccnds racial prefudice; but the envious lago conspircs to dcvastatc thcir livcs. in its vivid rcndcring of racism, scxism, contcsted idcntitics, and the savagery lurking vvithin civilisation, Othello is arguably the most topical and acccssiblc tragcdy from Shakespeare's majör phasc as a dramatist. Praductions on stage and screen rcgıılarly renew its povver to engross, İrnpress and irouble the imagination.
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    • WILLIAM SHAKESPEARECOMPLETE AND UNABRIDGEDEdited. irıtroduced and annataied by Cedric U'nffs, Rcsctırch Pro}essor of Englîsh, Utıiversity of 5usscxThe Wordsworth Classics* Shakespeare Series, \vith Henry V and The Merchant of Venlce as İts î na uğura l volumes, presents a newly-edited sequence of VVilliam Shakespeare's works. The textual editing takes account of recent scholarship while giving the m*terial a careful reappraisal.Othello has long bccn rccogniscd as onc of thc most powcrfu! of Shakespeare's tragcdies. This is an intensc drama of [öve, deception, jealousy and destruction. Desdemona's [öve for Othello, the Moor, transccnds racial prefudice; but the envious lago conspircs to dcvastatc thcir livcs. in its vivid rcndcring of racism, scxism, contcsted idcntitics, and the savagery lurking vvithin civilisation, Othello is arguably the most topical and acccssiblc tragcdy from Shakespeare's majör phasc as a dramatist. Praductions on stage and screen rcgıılarly renew its povver to engross, İrnpress and irouble the imagination.
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